Dermatology Ärzte- und Laserzentrum

Ärzte- und Laserzentrum Frankfurt und Wiesbaden


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The doctors and our professional staff distinguish between treatments for illnesses and treatments whose nature is purely aesthetic. Any anti-aging treatment, no matter how useful, is ineffective without lasting protection of the skin.

For the dermatological consultation we charge you 30 Euro, this amount will be credited to your first treatment.

Tips for healthy skin

Rank 1: UV protection

Most wrinkles and lines, up to 80% to be exact, are due to the sun. Especially the harmful UV rays that penetrate deep into our connective tissue are rays that make our skin saggy. Through laser treatment using Fraxel (fractional) laser or Microneedle therapy, the skin is stimulated to produce collagen and thereby replace dead skin cells with new cells.

Rank 2: Skin care

A smoother skin is possessed by all those who regularly apply cream. Those with dry skin, for example, often react to poor hydration with small wrinkles that appear all over the face. Creams with the ingredients glycerin, hyaluronic acid and urea can help. They bind the water and plump up the skin again from the inside.

Rank 3: Do not smoke

Only with one puff you inhale many toxins that are harmful to their body. In addition, nicotine causes cancer, and it also causes premature aging of the skin. Similarly, smoking causes constriction of blood vessels, which affects the supply of oxygen to the tissues.

Rank 4: Little alcohol

Regular alcohol consumption is also responsible for skin aging. This removes water from the body , so also from the skin. Frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages can even cause skin diseases. The skin diseases can be, for example, acne, psoriasis as well as rosacea.

Rank 5: Sleep

Sufficient sleep is very important to keep the body young. Seven to eight hours of sleep per night is ideal. This is because cells regenerate faster during sleep than when awake. In addition, the immune system is strengthened and the hair grows and the skin renews.

Rank 6: Healthy diet

Some foods have true anti-aging powers, such as fish, linseed oil, canola oil, walnut oil, nuts, fruits, vegetables, unsweetened fruit juices but also spices such as turmeric, sage, ginger and rosemary. Foods that are not so good for the skin include pork, fatty meats in general, sausage, white flour products, cakes, sweets, sodas as well as candied fruits.

Rank 7: Sport, but not too much

Endurance training is part of the anti-aging program. However, one should not overdo it with sports, because those who do intensive sports boost the metabolism enormously and thus cause even more oxygen radicals that age the body.

Rank 8: Drink enough fluids

Everyone should drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day if possible. About another liter is consumed by each person through food. Green tea has a particularly strong antioxidant effect and can thus slow down free radicals.

Rank 9: No sugar

Too much sugar is also harmful to the body. It cross-links the protein in the body to form stiff structures, making the tissue inelastic. This leads to the fact that one gets wrinkles earlier.

Rank 10: Reduce stress

Rushed workaholics age faster than others. The magic word is called stress management. Everyone should find out for themselves how best to reduce this. Whether with yoga, autogenic training or meditation. However, the simplest recipe against stress is to do something you enjoy whenever the opportunity arises. After all, the more you listen to your needs, the less you feel overwhelmed and you don’t age as quickly.

Of course, there are also other anti-aging methods.

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