Pigment spots Ärzte- und Laserzentrum

Pigment spots

Pigmentation Alters Pigmentflecken Frankfurt Wiesbaden 1 300x300@2x
Age pigment spots

Clinically, the well-known term pigment spots refers to an approximately heterogeneous group of skin changes that show a marked deviation from normal skin coloration. Pigment spots often appear due to age, which is why they are also called age spots.

Basically, all pigment spots that are melanin induced are suitable for the laser technique. Pigmentation that is free of melanin, such as hemosiderin deposits, may either be significantly worse or not treated at all.

Superficial lentigines benignae (including so-called age spots) are particularly suitable for the IPL technique and can often be completely eliminated in just one session. Ephelides (freckles), chloasma (hormone-induced hyperpigmentation) and other melanin-related skin changes can be treated well with the laser technique, especially if they are superficial.

Pigment spots can be removed with the help of laser treatments. There are different types of laser treatments that can be used depending on the type and extent of pigmentation. Laser treatment can reduce or completely remove pigmentation by targeting and destroying the melanin in pigment spots. However, it is important to consult an experienced and qualified professional to minimize potential risks and side effects.

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