Spider veins Ärzte- und Laserzentrum

Spider veins

Spider Veins Small Prices Spider Veins Frankfurt Wiesbaden 500x400 1

Small red veins that are visible just below the surface of the skin are called spider veins. They occur mainly on the legs. These reddish branchings in the upper layer of the skin are usually harmless. They do not represent a disease, nor do they cause discomfort, but they do affect the appearance of the skin. For this reason, they are often perceived as a nuisance. Therefore, many affected people take the decision to have them removed. Various methods can be used for this purpose.

They can generally occur anywhere on the body, but usually first on the inner sides of the lower legs, as well as on the thighs and the edges of the feet. They can be caused by a congenital weakness of the connective tissue. However, they can also indicate a vein condition or occur as a result of severe weight loss.

Spider veins can be a precursor to varicose veins. In fact, they are a kind of mini varicose veins. Spider veins are found in a good 60% of all women and men between the ages of 20 and 29. This was the result of a study at the dermatological university clinic in Bonn. One in five in this age group already has varicose veins.

They are primarily an aesthetic problem. There are hardly any known cases of them experiencing pain. However, newly appearing spider veins should be examined by a doctor in any case.

Varicose veins may have already formed in deeper areas. In this case, appropriate measures must be taken, such as more exercise and, in some cases, wearing special support stockings.

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